Promoting Security and Human Rights:
Formative Process in La Paz
In La Paz, Honduras, from February 25 to February 27, 2024, USAID Reducing conflict through Indigenous Women and Youth project carried out the modular training process for the Self- protection of Human Rights Defenders (HRD) developing the modules on Human Rights,Mapping of Risks and the construction of security plans for Lenca indigenous leaders, Lenca indigenous Human Rights defenders and volunteers, belonging to the Community Indigenous Women’s Councils and the Community Indigenous Youth Councils of the Municipalities of Santa María, Santiago Puringla, San Pedro de Tutule, Guajiquiro, Santa Elena and Marcala Department of La Paz.
The event had the active participation of 45 leaders of Lenca population (thirty-five women and ten men) who carried out replicas in their communities with the purpose of providing self-care and protection tools to current and future generation of human rights defenders.
This process was delivered by specialists with the technical support of USAID Reducing conflict through Indigenous Women and Youth project team.
Boletiěnes (Eng) Document